Hello guys! I’m Edoardo Ravina, a bachelor’s student at Fribourg’s University, Switzerland. I’m conducting a study on the circular economy and its “capitalistic” challanges. I’ve interviewed some repair cafés workers and now I’d like to know the users’ (I myself being one) opinion on some topics.
Here’s the link to the survey: The Values Underlying the Circular Economy and Capitalist Challenges: The Case of Fairphone and the Right To Repair Movement .
The survey is anonymous and it will only take 5-10 minutes of your time. I’m listing the questions just FYI.
Thank you so much in advance!
- What are the “right to repair” movement’s values according to you? As a fairphone user, do you feel an ambassador of this movement?
What do you think of Fairphone’s tansition from movement to company? Do you think that the obligation to turn a profit contrasts the original idea?
How do you see Fairphone’s choice to release 4 different models of phone in 5 years?
What do you think of the device’s quality? Do you think that its flaws might endager its credibility and efficacy as a solution to consumerism?
Do you know if there’s ever been any sort of cooperation between repair cafés and Fairphone?
Have you ever exploited the “Open Source” side of Fairphone? How do you find it beneficial?
That was it! Thank you so much for your time, it is greatly appreciated. I look forward to further discussing with you!