Sold - Sell Fairphone FP 2


I sell my FP2 that I bought in August 2018. The phone is working OK and has no major bug. I ran it with the Fairphone OS (Android 7.1.2). The screen has nearly from the beginning been protected with a plastic screen connector. I never had to change a module and it has the new camera module an a coral red slim cover

I am selling it with a spare screen protector (The manufacturer says it is thin flexible Glas but feels and has to be applied like plastic foil) and Vhbw generic battery corresponding to FP2-Bat01. This generic battery is not as good as the original Fairphone battery.

I bought it as I heard about Fairphone and needed a new phone. For my use the standard battery life is too short and that’s why I bought FP3 to continue to support Fairphone.

As I know the FP2 has been released 4 years ago, I think 150 EUR would be a quite fair price. I will reset the phone and load the last Fairphone OS. Phone is available from now on.

I am located in France close to the German Border.


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Did you already tried the screen protector?

Yes I understood, I just want to have a feedback on your experience :slight_smile: , I already have a FP2

I cannot complaint about these screen protectors. These were good IMHO.

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Hi Michel,
is your F2 still available?
Greetings, Elina (Germany, near France Border)

I sent the IMEI number to a contact interested on France. I wait for her Reply. If she does not buy in the end, I could sell it to you.
I will keep you informés. Btw I speak German too



Danke für deine Antwort… danke… Je parle (un peu) le francais …
Dann hoffe ich mal das Beste,
Bien a toi, Elina

Kein Problem. Ich halte Dich informiert. Ich denke die andere Person, die Interesse hat mĂĽsste sich bald melden. Sie wartet auf die RĂĽckmeldung von Fairphone bezĂĽglich der IMEI Nummer, was auch ok ist.




Hi Michel,

Is the phone still available?


Hallo Michel…wie stehen meine Aktien? :wink: lg Elina

Okay…schade für mich, aber ich freue mich sehr für dich! lg

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