I’ve just installed the update, as it showed up about a day ago. It was installed without errors. It asked for a reboot, as expected. Now my Fairphone 5 is showing the blue Start screen with the Text “FAIRPHONE Change is in your hands”. It stays and is not going away. I’ve waited for several hours.
I’ve restarted the phone by pressing the power button. But after a restart, it stays on the blue screen. A removal of the Battery does not help.
I am able to boot into the recovery menu.
When trying to boot into safe mode, the phone powers off.
I’ve found the support article about sideloading. I am technical experienced and able to do that. But I can’t find a Fairphone OS .zip to download. Here I can’t find the mentioned “./sideload_update.command”
I don’t want to lose the data on the phone. So a Factory Reset would be my last option. What can/should I do to get it back to start properly?
@Ioiana_Luncheon Every update is welcome - but very disappointing, that there is still no support for third-party passkey providers (i.e. the new credential manager is not activated, but the old and deprecated Google sign-in is still used), which should have come with Android 14.
Yes. Twice. - First directly in July/August (after the Android 14 release for the FP5) and now end of October again, since Microsoft plans to support third-party passkey providers on Windows 11 more broadly and the FIDO alliance develops the credential exchange protocols, which allows for exporting and importing passkeys between providers (not released yet). So the whole passkey train is on it’s way - and we don’t have a fully functional Android 14 on the FP5 (but the old and deprecated password manager component instead of the new credential manager).
When will an update address the faulty screen brightness issue. I read about this fault in reviews of the phone before i bought it. It is still an issue.