Software Update: Android 11 for Fairphone 3 and 3+

It can tell me which network I’m using when I have dual SIMs on different networks

As I use Wi-Fi calling the text is
EE Wi-Fi Calling.
Have to be carefull with ther text size or the clock gets truncated :slight_smile:

I think that was clear from the image but wasn’t it like that with A10 so not an Android 11 issue ??

I have the same issue with all calls having to run through speaker now ):

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Ok, true. Never used two SIMs.

To be more exact: It is an Fairphone issue. The alignment is correct on other brands / phones I know from friends and family.
On FP3 the alignment is broken, regardless A10 or A11, as mentioned above.

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No 4g since I updated and the 3g stops after some seconds

I had the same problem.

  • turned of the phone
  • removed SIM card
  • turned it back on (without SIM card)
  • did network reset
  • turned phone of again
  • put SIM card back in

when I started it worked again

hope this helps :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi and welcome to the forum and thanks for showing your resolution.

I updated to Android 11 last week. I had the same problem with the smaller font size; was able to fix that.

But one issue that is persisting is with icons. I don’t know if anyone else has the same issue. Basically, if I go to any page on Chrome, not all the icons get rendered fully. Sometimes, if I stay in the page for 3-5 minutes, they get rendered properly.

Any ideas why this could be? And what is the fix?

I am attaching a screen-shot showing the issue.

If you see the icon to the left of “Wordle” or even the one above STATISTICS, they are not fully rendered.

Now that I see this screen-shot, the SIM symbols in the top bar seem to have an x mark. I don’t know why. I am able to make calls, use data, etc. Any ideas?

I will just queue with one of the problems: for me, since updating to ANdroid 11 yesterday evening, I can’t connect to my Wifi.
I have AVM Fritzbox 7530, and since I got it a little over a year ago, I used the same SSID for 2,4 and 5GHz But Google in their infinite wisdom removing that option, so I had to split them. I did, but still can’t connect to any Wifi. Mobile data only worked after manually restarting my FP3, but Wifi refuses. Also I can’t provied any useful information, as the only error I get is “Can’t establish network connection”. I don’t have a big data plan as I usually don’t need it, but I wasn’t expecting a completly broken Wifi after an update (which in general worked pretty smoothly until now), I tried what I could find here, but nothing worked.

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Did you try to remove the WiFis from the list in the FP3 and reenter the code?

yes, removed all store Wifi connections, restarted multiple times, re-added both 2,4ghz and 5ghzs wifis, but can’t connect to either.

Hi and welcome to the forum.

I use a Fritzbox 7530 with separate SSIDs and have no problem, so check the password etc

Can you connect via a PC or other device? You can restart the Fritzbox if not.

On the phone do you have each SSID set to connect automatically?

By the way why did you have to split them, did you only use one of them?

On the Fritzbox:- Do you use the different 2.4/5 for different purposes. I had to have the 2.4 for an old tablet, now I have disabled the 2.4 altogether.

Hi, my mobile internet doesn’t work after I installed the latest update (fairphone 3+) My settings are all set right and my data is long from being spent.

Can you please help me?

Kind regards,


Maybe this helps?

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Can you connect a a PC or other device? You can restart the Fritzbox if not.
Every other device works, including a Windows 10 Notebook and Nintendo Switch

On the phone do you have each SSID set to connect automatically?
I had it set to automatically connect, but during testing disabled it, but neither automaticall nor manually connecting works

By the way why did you have to split them, did you only use one of them?
I had it set to use the same SSID for both 2,4Ghz and 5Ghz. That might be the default setting and since it worked, I never changed it.

On the Fritzbox:- Do you use the different 2.4/5 for different purposes. I had to have the 2.4 for an old tablet, now I have disabled the 2.4 altogether.
Not until now. I have older devices which I don’t expect them to support 5Ghz due to their age, namely a Nintendo 3Ds and WiiU. Again, it worked until now, so I didn’t bothered to changed it (and never touch a running system :wink:
To keep compatability, I kept the old SSID for the 2,4GHz and only renamed the 5GHz. Should I rename both completely?

Did you try a different browser?

The x in the mobile network triangles means that mobile data is turned off. When turned on, you should see no x in the triangle, and to the left, 3G or 4G according to network type. But in your illustration, Wi-Fi is turned on so you will have Internet access.

I would recommend everybody to do a factory reset after such a big upgrade. Yes, I knownit means you lose everything but it is not a big problem if you backup your data before.

Yes, this emulates inserting a SIM into a new phone and is likely to work in most cases. The price to be paid is all those Wi-Fi passwords and Bluetooth pairings. But if you don’t have too many then it’s certainly simpler than messing with the APN settings :smile:

I don’t see that should have any effect, but you can try.

Also you can remove all the idle connections etc.

Have you tried restarting the Fritzbox yet?

I have the same experience with my Fairphone 3 on Android 11. This is also true for other apps that have “Telephone” permissions, such as using Signal to make voice calls.


I have the same problem after upgrading to android 11.
I had to release more than 5 gigabytes to be able to take photos, but this photos are stored in the phone’s memory

I haven’t been able to test a full voice call with Signal, but when I try dialing someone, the ringing at least comes out of the earpiece. I will report back if I can get anything else to come out of the earpiece.

There are notes in one forum about “hearing aid compatible mode” fixing this, but I think that mode only exists in specific vendor phone software.