Software Future FP1/FP2

Hya !
Here we are ! The storm has “almost” passed as all pre-orders have been delivered, i think that also most of the production problem were solved, ramp up seems finished, there it is ! The FairPhone 2 have matured a bit , and now 17 000 personns around the UE are using it every day !
There is now something like 80 000 FairPhone in the wild, and i was wondering :
What’s next for software ?
Here is my questions, i have noticed for the FP1 buglist is still quite large, and that the FP2 buglist now have a respectable size :slightly_smiling: , so, basically, when software updates will arrive ? I know that the software team is small, and i don’t except precises date, but i would like to have a rough estimation, like “Q3 2016” for both Fairphones
Also, there is tons of things that remain obscure, when pre-compiled OSFPOS will arrive ? Plans for SailFish OS ? Firefox OS (even if it seems stopped now) ?
So, i think it would be nice to have a blog post about it in the coming weeks so we know what will happen for our beloved Fairphones :slight_smile: