Social media content publishing

Hi there, I plan to do some social media content work (xing, facebook, twitter) and ask myself what application to use - hootsuite seems to be the market leader - is anybody aware of some social media publishing tool that works on fp 2 open source? best wishes

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I use Twidere for Twitter, and I believe you can simply connect your Twitter account to forward tweets to facebook and xing, if that’s what you are looking for.


Vielen Dank, Stephan!
Viele Grüße

It’s still Stefan. :wink: Is Twidere what you were looking for?

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ich weiß es nicht, ich probiere es aus. Beim Anmeldebutton bin ich gleich bei Twitter selbst gelandet. Kam von da aus nicht mehr zurück nach Twidere. Twitter hat eine ganz gute Mobil-Seite und ich habe den Twitter-Einstieg auf meinen Desktop gelegt als Browser-Zugang. Wo jetzt der Vorteil in Twidere dazu liegt, habe ich noch nicht verstanden.Und: wir diskutieren hier hubzilla. Hast Du dazu irgendwelche Erkenntnisse? VG

I think twidere might be a bit limited for what you are searching; it is mainly a twitter client. (and not a very good one, due to Twitters limitation on third party developers)

For social media at Fairphone we used Hootsuite for a long time, then we moved to Buffer and currently we are looking into moving again to Sprout.

Together with @anon49920859 I made an overview with different social media posting and analyses tools. This is work in progress, but I’d be happy to share the results thus far with you. In the end I think it also depends a lot on personal preference, and not just a feature list. But I hope this helps you!

Also; we are not on Xing. But I hear that is a big thing in Germany. Bigger then LinkedIn. What are your ideas about that? Should Fairphone also be in Xing?


Hi Douwe,

thank you su much for sharing this!
WOW that looks really like a lot of work! So I will go through it soon. Only one question: are there any open source solutions in there? I have heared about a webzunder which is german / english and has at least european data protection standards and the same legal region… and Xing integration :slight_smile:

Xing: yes, I think fairphone should be there.
I like it :slight_smile: and it has the same two advantages as mentionned above: european data protection standards and the same legal region

For emails, we consider cleverreach. Would that also be your choice?
Best, Marie

Hey Marie,

Thanks for the tips and your ideas! I do not know any of the tools you mentioned, so I am going to check them.

None of the tools I mentioned are open source: they are all webapps. Some have free plans (like Buffer) but for most you have to pay.

Also I did not look at email as we use Mailchimp.

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