I would like to share my idea: manufacturing / building a smartwatch similarly to the fairphone. Or making smaller phones.
I dug into myself to the latest sportwatches specifications and reviews to find the best but turned out the most expensive ones could not fulfill simple requirements: GPS and HR sensor are inaccurate and battery life is short.
I could use your modules to build the perfect device for myself but I need a smaller display, a better GPS module (maybee dual band). I would use separate HR sensor but can be inside the device. The size would be about 70x55mm or max 110mm length; thickness 9-11mm. Basically a small phone size.
This needs smaller display, smaller battery and maybe square sized mother board.
Cellular connectivity is not necessary but there will be space for it.
Is it possible to manufacture these modules?
I can help you with the outer design of the device and the modules ( I’m a mechanical engineer).
And why?: Using android for sport tracking is the best option where you can modify advanced GPS settings and get the highest accuracy with the correct app. With this size you can still see maps an the display but small enough to mount on your wrist. I think it is a market gap and not just for the sport watches but smaller smartphones too. I know a lot of people wo don’t like big screens.