Ah, come on, do appreciate the announcment itself!
If we now complain again that @Douwe “promised” the blog comes today and its coming 1-2 days later, the chances are quite high, that we wont get an announcment in advance any more…which would not help us, right?
So I still vote for this kind of communications with @Douwe about what is most likely planned (blogs…), without nailing him down for keeping so-called “promises”. We should notice that he is not working against us, the news-hungry-community, but is only one of a meanwhile big FP team.
Cheers, Robert (sorry for becoming off-topic)
P.S.:@Douwe: Maybe you can support us with dropping the link here in the same minute, when a blog post comes online, so some people can be saved of having broken fingers of hitting F5 permanently after any announcement you made…