Screenshot is not saving photos

Screenshoot is not saving the photos why and what can I do?

Screenshots are not saved on the same location as photos, but at Pictures > Screenshots

yeah of course that would be not the problem…
the problem is that if I do a screenshoot it gives a message that it can not safe the picture at all and then it is not saved at all!!!
Thanks for helping me!!!

What do you want to make a screenshot of? There are apps (e.g. specific e-mail apps) that don’t allow screenshots at all. Maybe it is your app that prevents saving the screenshot? Did you already try making a screenshot of your home screen? Does this work?

yeah I just did a shoot of my homedisplay and it was not working

Very strange. Maybe clearing the cache would help, I just don’t know of which app. (FP Launcher?)

Wow thanks a lot it helped I cleared all cache of all apps and now it helped great thanks

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