Screenshot button gone

Had an update on Tuesday night and now the screenshot option has gone from the on/off button. Only have the choice to power off or restart. How do I screenshot now?

There’s now a button on the Recent apps screen; see here, also for other options in other posts:

BTW the title of this topic doesn’t cover your issue (anymore)?


Your previous posts indicate you have a FP3 not FP4 and there was no update of the FP4 recently, so I changwd the category to cover both, as the way to make scrrenshots is identical for FP3 + FP4

As @adrienneb mentioned you changed the topic completely so I adapted the subject now as well.


In addition to this new option in the “recent apps” screen, you can also take screenshots, at any time, by pressing simultaneously the power button + volume down button for about a second or two :wink:.


Ops, I wrote FP4 by mistake

screenshots? here you go…
(took me a while to locate it


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