Screen illuminates and stays on

Since updating the o/s to the 15 July version, the screen is misbehaving.
After use it goes dark after the set amount of time but then some time later it comes on again and stays on until I press the power button to turn it off.
This is unrelated to whether the internet is active or not (wifi or data).

It is now repeatedly switching from on to off and back again - about 30 seconds on (my timeout setting) followed by about 10 seconds off.

do you probably see another update, it seems they might have send 2 within a few days, maybe the first had issues?

417772 is the number of the one installed and I am not offered a later one

There should be version 2.3 out

Did you check manually again for updates?

Either way I would report the bug to e/OS Murena directly

I have been checking manually but now I have repeatedly checked several times and at last it shows! I will see if it is a fix …
Many thanks

The August update has made no difference!

Or maybe it has?
I notice now that if I physically turn off the display with the power switch then it stays off and doesn’t permanently loop through on/off cycles.