So after years with a FP3 I will have to buy a new one as the most important thing (the CPU and mainboard) is not changeable.
Framework ( a modular laptop company) is planning on shipping RISC-V laptops for developers to purchase and develop apps and software for, there must be a way for Fairphone to do the same?
Welcome to the community forum.
Is your question whether something like this is in place now regarding RISC-V, or do you mean to just pitch this idea here for Fairphone to possibly pursue it in the future?
In the former case … not that I’m aware of.
In this field, are there more recent developments than a Qualcomm SoC for Wear OS and Android and RISC-V: What you need to know to be ready | Google Open Source Blog ?
In the latter case … we are the community forum, not the company, Fairphone support should be better suited to receive this proposal …
I guess I am starting a topic to see if any developers in the forum that has any experience with risk-V development, and/or development, and perhaps after enough discussion a pitch/proposal can be made for Fairphone.
You cannot compare this. Framework may be able to design a RISC-V compatible mainboard and take advantage of the available Linux support, but both is not the case for Fairphone. Fairphone has not the capabilities to design its own SoC, even Apple is not able to. I am also not sure if Android can run on RISC-V as of now.