Retrieve data from (nearly) dead Fairphone 3

My Fairphone 3 has stopped working some time ago. It no longer turns on and the screen doesn’t show signs of life, but the LED works and it vibrates when I press the power button. I hope there’s still a way to recover my files from the Fairphone.

Is there someone who could help me with this? Maybe swapping the screen of the FP3 with someone elses screen could be an option? Or is there another option to retrieve the data?

Thanks in advance!

Did you check, whether a Fairphone angel or heaven is in you vicinity?


Given the LED and vibration are still there, there is a good chance that the problem is only about the display-core connection. I suggest you remove your display and remount it with these instructions:

Make sure to also follow the instructions in black font in Step. 9 (the clicking back of the plastic clamps). Sometimes that is even enough to bring the display back to life.