Repair service issues

Help, my FP3 has been off to get repaired. All ok thus far. Then it goes into Chronopost, Fairphone don;t add my email or mobile (duh) so it gets stuck in the depot. I have asked them to correct it and 10 days later, this still hasn’t been. So I have i think paid for a costly repair which is stuck now at a courier’s depot. I’ve been using the email service because although they are nice on the call, tasks seem to get a bit lost. Any other tips for getting this tiresome mess sorted?

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@anna_jopp: Can you try to help with this, please?

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Hope situation has improved since UPS was last involved as here:

I think Brexit happened between me getting my phone and now…sadly! But as the other post says, no courier needs Brexit as an excuse, they are all very capable of much f***ery and dimwittedness (although Cordon seem to have trumped them all by not including any details needed, idiots). I await in despair, I haven’t even mustered the will to check if my bank has already been docked the repair fee (probably yes).

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Hello @Julie_Winnard, I am really sorry to hear your Fairphone has been stock in the shipping warehouse for so long. I just talked to my colleagues in customer support and they will look into it and respond to your existing ticket today. Fingers crossed this can be resolved quickly!


Many thanks for your help I now have a replacement phone @anna_jopp
A few niggles with some apps but getting things back on track