Redefining longevity: Android 9 now available for Fairphone 2

Hello @urs_lesse I note you are an old hat at this Fairphone endeavour so please excuse if my query seems inappropriate.

But isn’t it possible to update to install any suitable OS on a phone, i.e. if there is Android 9 for the FP2 anyone should can install it or the Android 7 manually ~ with required skills and patience, am I misunderstanding something?

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I have no idea, however what about installing A7 manually to avoid issues and then hopefully OTA will provide the updates step by step to A9?

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Probably in this case a downgrade oft the app would help AS the latest version was specifically for the A 9 upgrade?

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From Fairphone 2 (Android 9) - FAQ:

Q: I did not get the update notification yet. How can I update now?
A: Make sure you are running the latest version of Android 7.1.2. You will need the Fairphone Updater app. If you have not downloaded it yet, make sure you are running Android 6 at least, and go to the Google Play store to install the Fairphone Updater app on your device. Then update to the Fairphone 7.1.2 version. Via the Fairphone Updater app, you can then update your device from Android 7 to Android 9.

If this doesn’t work out, you can manually update to Android 9.

My best bet is that the most recent Fairphone Updater version does not “see” any update when running on A6…


The latest Updater version should just work well on Android 6 as well. The only limitation is that for the Android 7 and 9 upgrade, you need a minimum Updater app version installed.

As for the 6 to 9 upgrade: We never tested that and I don’t recommend doing that. It is very likely that some migrations steps would be missing, and that apps or system services wouldn’t work properly. First manually updating to Android 7 (19.11.2) should work well.


Eventually the upgrade from Android 6 to Android 7 has become available to the user, apparently it took some freeing up of storage space to “unlock” the upgrade.

UPDATE: Afters successfully upgrading (apparently OTA) to Android 7 (Fairphone OS 18.09.2), the updating went on up to Fairphone OS 19.11.2 and from there/then to Fairphone OS 21.05.0. so it’s not a one-stop upgrade from Android 6 to Android 9, but: 6 → 7 → 9. :slight_smile:


We both will return to 19.11.2 - as we expereince far too many spontaneous reboots with A9 (FP open) and A10 (eOS of e-foundation). 19.11.2 was always stable. And those few apps we need, still run well.



…and the WiFi connection is also far more stable with A7 than with A9 or A10…

But with serious security issues, as Android 7 got no updates for quite a while now.

Who cares - I never had any security issues, and we don’t use a lot of apps. How many people are walking around with very old smartphones and never have any problems (except for newer apps - but you can avoid those).

The problem is another one: Android as such is a complete failure. It’s usability is a sheer catastrophe. And unfortunately ubports and jolla sailfish are in no ways better, I have them all tried out. Apparently iOS is the only OS with a more or less normal usability.

You should care. The nature of a ‘good’ exploit of a security breach is, that you don’t realize that it is already used to compromise your phone, steal data or use it for illegal activities.

As I’m using iOS and Android, I can’t say, that one of them is better in all ways. Some things are working better or easier on this side of the river, some on the other bank.


Exactly, who really knows what data has unwillingly been extracted. Sure some people may not care ~ until one day. Oops! maybe a security update would have been usefull.

Like @anon83191809 I use few apps etc. but even on my PC I use thunderbird not a web email app, and even then my data is encrypted on an SD card, not the main memory.

My thinking is that I have other peoples personal data too, emails addresses, and I’m sure they would like me to do my best to keep it secure.

I’m still awaiting notification to upgrade my FP2 to android-9,
as haven’t heard anything yet.
Will notification go to my phone, or will i receive an email?
Not sure how this upgrade is being rolled out.
Please advise.

Chris Aldridge
Reading, uk

Have you checked which version of Fairphone Updater you habe installed?

Updates are rolled out in relation with the app version you have installed.
If you’re on the latest version of the app (v. 1.50.2) you should receive the newes android Update :slight_smile:


If you have the current updater you should automatically get a notification to update, network dependent.

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That is not correct FP2 updates are not network dependent.


@yvmuell OK thanks for the correction.


If you are unsure about the updater here’s some previous queries

…and what’s even worse with A9 and A10, is the absolute UNSTABLE and volatile behaviour with WiFi: the FP2 is losing every two minutes or so the WiFi connection in my flat. Sorry, but I cannot use such a desastrous OS. I never had so many problems with WiFi with A7 (and I never have WiFi problems at all with my laptops).

And by the way: with A7 you can encrypt your phone, with A9 you cannot.

Well, I don’t check it frequently, but everytime, I lay my hands on it to look for updates, it has a perfect WiFi connection to my FRITZ!Box. So I can’t complain.


I neither have real issues with WiFi connection using A10 and I never had with A9, so you cannot generalize just because you have issues. At the end everyone has to decide for themself what OS they want to use for whatever reason.