Really Easy Backup Tool


I´m looking for a really easy backup tool. Like iTunes for Apple.

Plug and push the button.

It should do a complete backup include the apps, photos, …

shareware also welcome like freeware. It only must do the job!


I don’t know the apple world, but isn’t iTunes rather a sync than a backup tool?

As for backups:

TWRP makes a complete system backup, this the most comprehensive till you can have.
Though it’s not an app but a recovery system with a nice and intuitive GUI. Only downside: currently not supporting encrypted /data positions.

Anyhow, plenty of backup tools have been discussed, Just look around.

With iTunes you can also Backup and Restore an iPhone. IMHO it is a great advantage of the apple world.
Backup your Old Phone and Restore it on the new one. Everything is the same as it was on the old Phone.

I like Titanium Backup:
But you need to root your phone for this.


you will also find some apps here:

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