Random shutdown Fairphone 3

My Fairphone 3 shuts down without warning. Usually mid-call, on low but not critically low battery. The phone is less than 6 months old.

I seem to have the same problem.

Has the phone become very hot when the shutdown occurs?

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No the phone feels fine and there’s nothing else to indicate a problem

Did you check this thread?

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Most of time this happens when the device battery doesn’t fit properly… Have checked you battery position?

I just had a random shutdown: full screen game open, charging, took a screenshot with PWR+VOLDWN, screenshot animation got slow, phone crashed and went straight to fastboot.

Add this to frequent randomly dropped calls and disabled common functions, A.0134 is really beginning to fit right into 2020 :fire::wastebasket::fire::roll_eyes:

That sounds to me like your phone ran out of RAM…

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My phone is also randomly Shutting down. I have try to chang to a new sim card, but that did not help. The phone is only one year old. Any one know what to do?

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