Power button dead

Hi !

The power button of one FP3 is dead. The physical switches in the frame of the phone are working (verified using a multimeter). Neither ultrasonic cleaning nor oven “reflow” solve this issue.
Does anyone have a wiring diagram for searching for any broken wires ?


Fairphone didn’t publish schematics for the Fairphone 3/3+, supposedly for legal reasons.

Apparently the situation could only be resolved or taken into account for the later designs, so that schematics are available for Fairphones 4 and 5.

Maybe an micro-electronic expert can help. I think, that one of the tracks is broken on the mainboard or a faulty resistor/capacitor. The FP3 ist fully functional - except the power button.

The power button is on an extra subboard that was not sold by FP itself, but it can be bought in the market:

The subboard isn’t the problem. As I mentioned above, the subboard is working fine (verified by a multimeter). The poblem must be a broken track on the mainboard or a faulty resistor/capacitor in the conection to the power management. But without wiring scheme a repair isn’t possible.