The power button of one FP3 is dead. The physical switches in the frame of the phone are working (verified using a multimeter). Neither ultrasonic cleaning nor oven “reflow” solve this issue.
Does anyone have a wiring diagram for searching for any broken wires ?
Maybe an micro-electronic expert can help. I think, that one of the tracks is broken on the mainboard or a faulty resistor/capacitor. The FP3 ist fully functional - except the power button.
The subboard isn’t the problem. As I mentioned above, the subboard is working fine (verified by a multimeter). The poblem must be a broken track on the mainboard or a faulty resistor/capacitor in the conection to the power management. But without wiring scheme a repair isn’t possible.
I have the same problem. The frame and the physical buttons definitely work (tested with another mainboard). I also measured the resistance from the on pin of the board to the neighboring components and couldn’t see a difference to another board. @FPbonn does your mainboard show any abnormalities? Mine has some of the PCB scratched off at the left whole next to the battery connector (see picture). Could that have any impact?