I once heard that there are two big parties in the USA: the conservative party and the ultra-conservative party.
I voted for social democracy in the poll above but this does not exactly describe me.
I want to conserve capitalism with all its benefits and at the same time eradicate all its disgusting flaws. I love progressive taxes on all (working and capital) incomes but I hate consumption taxes (like VAT) because they hit the poor the hardest. I want all people to live as freely as they want as long as they respect the freedom of others - therefore I think a strong and resourceful police and jurisdiction is necessary (it’s the last line of defence of our democracy). Education is the key to welfare and social ascension, but noone should be left behind as every individual can be of valuable service to the society. Our environment needs to be preserved, but not at the cost of falling back to the stone age. Climate change can be a chance for further development of human technology and society. Racism is criminal, nationalism is silly and patriotism is favourable.
That’s the short description of my political ideology.