Plastic-free FP3 cases kickstarter – any experience with this company?

As expected, the campaign did not make it.
30 supporters only and just 963 of 29,975 $.
19 supporters opted for the Fairphone 3.

And now I received this e-mail:

Most backers did pick Samsung and therefore we decided to put these in production either way.

Followed by a link for a cover for the S 20.

Well, there sure as hell is a larger market for the Samsung S 20, but telling the backers such a kind of nonsense is really disturbing.

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Never trust someone who brags of being on their fifth company.

Maybe I’m a rotten communist who never trusts a company much less their marketing department, but I just spent a half hour on A Good Company’s website trying to figure out how this company got built, how it is run and why it is anything besides a hipster-friendly face to a very boilerplate lifestyle-marketing backend. No information is to be found. Lots about corporate values and how the CEO loves hiking and his granddad was a farmer, but no concrete information about production and policy.

I cannot figure out if their claims about being sustainable and good to workers are founded in reality - they have pages for all of the factories they use, but those pages are entirely ad copy and usually involve only one or two paragraphs about the actual factory, glossing over working conditions entirely. A single sentence that states that the bamboo cutlery factory uses bamboo waste to heat the factory doesn’t cut it. Until they can supply some actual information about the way they run their company and make their products (the way FP has been doing for years), it reeks of greenwashing.

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Bizarre claim by the company, yes. Will you get your money back at least?

P.S.: I guess this is the public update that @BertG got via email.

Since the project failed, I am not charged any money.
Only when they would have met their target, I would have paid and taken the risk, that the project fails.


At least, they got some certificates, that are in accordance with their claims like cradle to cradle.

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