Phone fell, now screen stays dark

My FP2 fell - not from a couple of feet. It landed on carpet.

When I first turn it on, I get snow on the screen, and then it goes dark. I can call the phone and it will ring, but I cannot answer a call because the screen is dark and unresponsive.

Does anyone have any ideas about what might have happened and how I can fix it?

Thank you.

It might be worth following procedure here to make sure that nothing has been displaced:



Thank you very much for this. I’ve now taken it apart and put it back
together again - unfortunately the issue still remains. :frowning:

I think I will just have to wait until the display module is available
again to purchase as a spare…

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Seems like at they have screens in stock:

Maybe that helps.

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And you can always try contacting a Fairphone Angel in person to check for some testing or further advice.
The nearest angel can be located on the Community Map:

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Thank you very much!


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