Phone dead after a small fall

Hello everyone,

My phone, a fairphone 3+, fell from a height of 0.5m (50 cm), and doesn’t work ever since, even when I put the charger there is no little lamp to tell me it is plugged in and no vibration to say there is a charge connected… so all in all… the phone looks just completely dead… did anyone face this before or has any suggestion?

Thanks a lot community !

Did you check whether all internal module connections are still in place?

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I disassembeled the phone entirely and reassebled it… still nothing :frowning:
I am reading on other posts that it might be the core module … which costs like a new phone !

There are indeed reports about a ‘sudden death’ phenomenon, but that happens out of the blue, not after a fall.


It could also happen after a fall when the fall causes the solder joints to break I guess.

You can check if a FP angel is close and has FP3 parts to test fairphoneangels

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thanks a lot… there is none where I live… I am in Tunisia
I guess I’ll take my phone to a printcard magician… because replacing the motherboard costs a new phone