Orange Manual Selector bugging me since system update

No, this is not the only problem. It is taking up space on my phone, and it has been installed in such a way that I cannot remove it from the phone…

This seems to contradict one of the main pillars of the Fairphone ethos, as declared by Bas van Abel. If you can’t open it, you don’t own it.

My argument is that being able to open it is just the first step towards understanding the device, maintaining, upgrading and repairing it. Part of maintaining the device is being able to remove superfluous software (“cruft”) such as this Orange Manual Selector.

Please tell us, what other “crap” is on the phone, then. Even if it is not influencing the OS while disabled, it is still taking us space on the phone.

Well then, here you go …

In fact you can open it, you just need an appropriate “screwdriver”. Yes, it is not so easy to open it, and yes, it has been a mistake. Now, compare these two arguments to some other manufacturer: No, you cannot open it, and no, it has not been a mistake.

I have been referring to the “crap” many users install on the phone, without even knowing that it is “crap”, because it runs in the background and is not visible, unlike the “Orange Manual Selector”.

You are cherry-picking, reacting to the introduction of my argument rather than to the argument itself. Moreover, you seem to be trying to insult my intelligence by pointing out that it is possible to open the device… How do you think I managed to put a SIM card and an SD card in the device, if I don’t even know how to open it?

This is news to me.

As far as I can see (but I am simply reading the posts, not reading the minds of people who have not posted), the posters contributing to this thread have been discussing apps that were installed on the device before shipping…

Sadly i have this ‘orange bug’ too and oddly some two or three years ago ee took over orange and terminated my orange contract, i couldn’t even unlock my ‘orange’ phone. So what this app is doing is inconsistent and inconsiderate, so the blame lies with Fairphone/Android/Google for not being more thoughtful. Sad days but i’ll keep on consuming this rubbish as that’s what you get when being picky.

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