OpenPush - the alternative to GCM

Push messages are an essential part of connected mobile devices. They are also one of the critical missing pieces in the open source Android ecosystem. Until now, free Android apps would either need to implement their own push notification system, do without any push messaging or use the proprietary Google Cloud Messaging service.

OpenPush is a self-hosted, free alternative push messaging implementation which can either run alongside or as a replacement to FCM.

:point_right:t3: Read more:


Very happy to hear of this project, thanks for posting about it!

OpenPush is a self-hosted, free alternative push messaging implementation which can either run alongside or as a replacement to FCM.

So would this run as a seamless alternative to FCM? As in, would apps that use FCM work with OpenPush, or would devs need to include specific client libraries? This isn’t entirely clear to me.

Well, so I watched the talk to which f-droid referred: OpenPush Talk and looked at his website. It is not yet ready to use. But it seems that it cannot seamlessly replace FCM, but needs to be implemented specifically by the devs. So, the apps need to be delivered with this ability. Some way to go…

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