One earbud has lower volume than the other side

I bought fairphone earbuds in september 2022. They worked fine up to a couple months ago. Now, I have a left earbud with a much lower volume than the right earbud. Nothing specific happened (accident or so), so I have no idea why it happened.

Any lead? Do I have to replace my left earbud (but it is frustrating after less than a year…)?

Thanks a lot!!

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I think that sounds very much like a hardware defect. You have two years of warranty, so you should contact Fairphone Support.

What I think has just a very small chance of success, but doesn’t do any harm and thus you should still try before is a thorough reset of the earbuds (this is different from just removing them from your bluetooth settings on your phone!) in the Pairing | Unpair section here:

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Thanks a lot, Urs, for your quick reply. Already tried thorough reset a few times but didn’t produce result. The issue has been worsening in the past weeks so I think you’re right about it being hardware issue. I am contacting fairphone support rn.

Thanks a lot again!!

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