Official LineageOS is here!

That’s life. So, here it comes as a warning and help for users of the feature “adoptable storage”:

My SD card and with it the adopted storage wasn’t recognized anymore after using the Lineage Updater to install this update (20171121).
Before the update I had the nightly from 20171114, which was a fresh install (wiped everything before).

Because some apps and it’s files are stored on the SD card part of the adopted storage, I got an error message from AFWall+ directly after the reboot, saying it’s not working correctly. Maybe the custom scripts weren’t available.

Seemed worst case and I thought about going back with the TWRP backup I made before updating.
But I gave it one more chance and tried solving it with a restart (exactly a shutdown and manual start). And it worked, so the SD card is recognized again and AFWall+ still has it’s custom scripts without the need of configuring something from my side.

A big THANK YOU for your effort @chrmhoffmann and all, who are involved!
You compete with multi billion dollar companies not only to give the users a working smartphone, but giving them freedom and control over their data back!

Some background information:
I switched to LineageOS a few days ago coming from FPOOS 17.10, because of the same problems as @Smojo had. As I anyway had to wipe everything to solve the problems, I wanted to give Lineage OS a try.
Time will show, if I can have Android free of Google, without spending hours or even days just to manage the updates, as I had every time with FPOOS and Xprivacy to be sure, not to make a mistake and have a backup of everything for the worst case.