Official LineageOS is here!

Ok, so reading the details it seems that we will have more control(usable options) regarding which SIM that can be used as Data-SIM etc.? Also the other settings like the possibility to shut down a SIM?

Anyway, thanks for the support/update!

Shutting down a sim is not supported. What would that be good for?


For us that use the 2nd SIM for Work it can sometimes be nice to completely disconnect from work. At least I used to do this on FPOS, not a very big deal since I can just ignore calls on my work-SIM, but still nice sometimes.



@snevas and @chrmhoffmann: I miss in this topic a hint of how to update the modem files. And a matching sha256 hash. Also the note which modem files are recommended with LineageOS. There is no hint on the [official install page] (

I’ve asked @jnsp if he has a location where he collects all the modems and then I’m going to mention it in the start post.


Additionally, instructions how to make the yourself would be nice.
Hints were here …

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I’ve added the modem location to the migration instructions. Maybe @z3ntu / @chrmhoffmann can add these to the lineage wiki?

Thanks @jnsp!


Also for reference (and for postmarketOS) I have created a git repository which contains the contents of the modem files here:

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I currently have problems connecting unencrypted wifi’s, which have 2.4 and 5GHz access points at the same time. Does anyone have a similar problem? And there is no switch in the wlan menu to change that behaviour.

Just changed to the official build, everything went smooth and everything’s working . Perfect. Thank you for all your work!


What about sending some logs.

Moved to the Official LOS right now without problems. Surprise - settings/ launcher had been kept :slight_smile:

Switched to LOS 31-10 version from FPOOS 17.04 (yes, still Android 5 :blush:). Switch went without a hitch. Caveat: there was not a lot of data on the phone itself.

I really like the improvements I see. Battery is so much better in my usage (phone is mostly idle). It seems snappier but that might be my excitement :grinning:.

Great work @chrmhoffmann, @snevas and everyone else who worked on this.

I have some issues still left:

  • can’t connect to servers on my home network (DNS problem)
  • still have to install microG for the following:
    • location
      A first try as normal app didn’t give me location. I’ll give it a try again as system app as indicated on the microG website.
    • installing some apps from g* play story

I’m also wondering how much work an upgrade will be (tingle, fdroid privilidged, home CA cert as system cert).

For posteriority: I installed GmsCore in /system/priv-app as follows:

  1. remount /system as rw: mount /system -o rw,remount
  2. Create directory /system/priv-app/GmsCore whith following permissions: root:root and rwxr-xr-w
  • mkdir /system/priv-app/GmsCore
  • chmod 755 /system/priv-app/GmsCore
  1. Copy GmsCore.apk into this folder
  2. reboot

I think their are many users who never used a terminal before and give up with installing LineageOS when reading something like “adb” or “USB debugging”. I’m thinking about an easy way for them to install LineageOS without adb and USB debugging.
May be someone can verify that my idea works!?
If yes, I think these steps would be possible even for users who are a bit shy with computers.

  1. Install FP Open with Method 1. (This is using Amaze and FP OS Updater. The advantage is that FP Open comes with the recovery named TWRP that you need for the following steps.)
  2. If you like you can give yourself root. (This is not necessary.)
  3. If you like to install the newest version of TWRP you can download and install the twrp app to flash the newest version. (This is not necessary.)
  4. Follow the official steps for Installing LineageOS from recovery. (You have to download the lineage-…fp2…zip and installing it by clicking in TWRP).

Save yourself the work for future updates, :slight_smile: :


That’s cool.

How can I use it when I have already installed the apps. Would it be sufficient to add a file to addon.d ? Or do I have to sideload the whole zip ?

Second question: what would be the advantage of the DroidGuard Helper ?

That would be a good idea. With a full-time job and family, I don’t have a lot of time anymore to spend nights figuring things out.

Would be great if we could have a ROM that included commonly used apps and tweaks. Maybe starting from the and adding osmand, … so it becomes really functional out of the box.

Of course, that opens another can of worms: what are the default apps :stuck_out_tongue:

The community couldn’t even settle on F-Droid. :wink:

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A way to please almost everybody would be the OpenGApps way … LineageOS “zero” (bare LineageOS) … LineageOS “pico” (some stuff added) … LineageOS “nano” (some more stuff added) … and so on :slight_smile: