Official LineageOS 22.1 for Fairphone 3/3+

This time, we are all set for an official release without going through an unofficial release of LineageOS 22.1

As always, thanks to @Ankit_Siddhapura for the support and to @fwg-cag for the last minute intimation on some blockers.

Let’s collect and discuss any potential issues, blockers and feature requests(from device side) in this topic. Use Official bugreport channel to report bugs.

Few important notes:

  • This could as well be the last update due to really old 4.9 kernel.
  • Update to proprietary blobs and firmware files shall happen as soon as there is a new FPOS release.

Here are the collection of relevant external links:

Thanks to all users for your support. I really hope to see you all soon with LineageOS 23!



I might miss something but there is no lineage os 22 under that link (only v21). Do we need to wait?

It’s coming


Not anymore :wink: .

Ok, so it seems that dk1978 have abandoned the development. It’s sad, but @TeamB58 thaks for what you do. When the microg version will be compiled I will upgrade (⌐■_■)

Just an additional comment: If you are a microG-user or want to support microG users, you can help filling the beaconDB-map location map:


Thanks for your effort! :star_struck:

I’m just a little confused: can we expect an Update for LOS23 or not? (you doubt that in the beginning regarding the old kernel 4,9, but you hope to see us all soon with LOS 23)

LOS 23 would be for Android 16, which is now in beta. So LOS23 on any device would not be out soon…
It would be a shame, but as long as the security updates still come, I dont care too much about not having the current Android.

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same here. So can we expect to get security updates for a decent amount of time?

Lineage will not give any guarantees, but this table might allow you to do the math about how long Android 15 is probably going to last you (“red” versions are not provided with security updates anymore):

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hello everyone, before talking LOS 23 and Android 16, LineageOS team decided to split QPR in different LOS versions like now with 22.1 for A15QPR1.
Maybe should we consider QPR updates as breaking as new major releases.

So Android 15 will be supported only for three years, maybe four. All because the difficulty to upgrade the kernel. It sounds a mantra, but I hope the next model will gain mainline support. Thanks to @TeamB58 for his efforts.

I just installed the 22.1 and so far it boots and Firefox and WLAN work. The rest probably, too, but I have not tested it.

Does anybody know if the NFC issue affecting the german Ausweis App is fixed in this version? In the official FPOS it is since may 2024.

Am i the only one that started to notice the phone struggle a lot since A14?
Like, i know it’s really old… but it’s struggling a lot now…

Thi is very interesting, if Android 15 have bad performance I probably will choose to not update it.

A consideration, FP3 and FP3+ are not “really old” 3 september 2019 is the first release of FP3. It’s like yesterday.

FP3 when released did not have most performant chips at that time.
Now, also smartphones chips have improved in that term.
I guess Google expected standard for Android 15 is now higher than what FP3 have (most 2019 smartphones are now EOL for upgrades, Fairphone being a -good- exception here).
Sadly, smartphones industry is still in a quick planned obsolescence for old devices.
The now new 7-year support given by Google and Samsung only affects high-end smartphones (and only for new released devices).


Good Morning, installed LOS 22.1 two days ago. Everything works fine. No problem until now. Every app works well. I don´t use Google Services.


what build are you using?

The latest one from 20250205