Official LineageOS 20 for FP3/FP3+

Linux 4.9 should be not supported on android 14. Maybe when/if fairphone upgrade the kernel next lineage versions would be more stable. I still think that fairphone should choose to use much possible mainline hardware, or mainline what use. They have worked on FP4 mainline (I don’t see much results) but not on “old” FP3. @TeamB58 Thankyou for what you do on LineageOS. (^_~)

Latest version seemed to fix this. Thanks to whoever fixed it!

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Android 14 unofficial is out

Thanks to those that helped!

Edit: I am not involved in it, I am just posting the link for convenience.


Here is the link to the thread about the official 21 lineage:


Would you guys recommend LineageOS 20 or 21 for the Fairphone 3 when it comes to stability and speed? Thanks a lot!

I’ve been on 21 for a week - works fine for me, so far.

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