Noisy coloured pixels on my Fairphone 2

Same problem here. I did open and clean - although I would have liked instructions for it, not sure whether I am doing it right - but nothing changed.
It did come back once for a few seconds, but now I am having that noisy screen again all the time.

@paulakreuzer , the thing about the support refusing to change the phone because it was open comes from a thread about FP1, here: Display problem - whole screen filled with noisy pixels of different colors

Also, I am commenting about my problem here because you said “A lot is a relative term. Compared to the number of FP2s sold very few people have this issue and usually it’s solved by taking off the screen and cleaning the connectors.” I wouldn’t have commented about it otherwise since it does not really advance the discussion (the prompt says: Does your reply improve the conversation in some way?). What I mean is there may well be many more people with this problem than you might be aware off. Also, some of the post here say that cleaning the connectors worked at first but the problem is coming back, some that it didn’t work. I would not conclude that “usually it’s solved by taking off the screen and cleaning the connectors”.

I know support is under a lot of work, but it is equally distressing to find yourself in a circonstance where you main connection with the world is broken. Waiting for a call from the bank or the doctor, not able to answer it. A few weeks of wait are sure to find people switching to cheaper options, which is sadly probably what I am about to do.

I’m asked to be constructive, so here it is: Why not publish a video showing how to remove the screen and clean the connectors ? Maybe have some people from support acting in it, and this way we also get to empathise with their daily load of work.