No network, "Invalid Card. – Emergency calls only"

Starting a few days ago, my Fairphone does not connect to mobile network any more. Instead of the mobile network provider, it shows “Invalid Card. – Emergency calls only”. Everything else seems to work fine.

I already checked the SIM card, putting it to an old smartphone, which works fine. Is this a known issue?

I consider switching to the eSIM instead. Is there anything to consider?

In which country do you live, who is your provider?
That your SIM card is working in another phone can still means it won’t work in a Fairphone.
How long are you using this SIM card? If it’s older then 2 years than I would like to suggest to get a new one.

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My provider is congstar in Germany. The SIM card is probably older than 2 years. I guess I’ll contact my provider then, thanks!