No connection to Play Store with 3G

I somehow shot my system and recovered it by fairphone update.
But some apps do not work like I think they should.
I can get no connection to playstore with G3, with wlan it works.
Similar my email download does not work correct: the rest of a mail will not download with G3,
with wlan it works.
But G3 works, I can use Chrome and open and use my ownCloud just like with wlan.
Systemupdates says it is at latest status, last test April 6th.
What is wrong with my G3?
SIM-Status: UMTS is in use, connected to the provider.
But without wlan no connection to Play Store.
Is there a way to update the build in E-Mail ?
Hoping for Your hints to correct the supposed faults,

Maybe your background data is restricted. You can check this at:
[Menu button] --> System settings --> Data usage --> [Menu button] --> Restric background data

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Thanx enough data possible.

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