Yeah, totally overlooked it. Too much new information
Use Magisk module MagiskHidePropsConf and set prop qemu.hw.mainkeys to 0.
That looks pretty simple, but it took me some time as I’m not so familiar with Magisk. Here are the steps I did:
install MagiskHidePropsConf by searching for it in the “Downloads” section of Magisk manager
install Busybox for Android NDK by searching for it in the “Downloads” section of Magisk manager
otherwise one gets an error message from the props command that comes with MagiskHidePropsConf
adb shell and then props following the menu to “Add/edit custom props > New custom prop” to create the qemu.hw.mainkeys property and then setting it to “0”
Where is that “How To at “Troubleshooting Tips - To get back the navigation bar”” - not in the forum and not under FP support. Such hints without a link are useless (maybe not for the people who know all this stuff anyway, but for us who are naive and looking for help. wink wink