NFC needs restart before using it

Everytime I want to use the NFC for paying or reading a yubikey I have to disable and enable it in the settings. Otherwise it is like turned off.

After a few minutes it crashes again and the above has to be repeated.

Which OS?
If you want to analyze yourself you might enable ADB debugging and have a look at the log.
If not it’s probably best to #contactsupport .

I don’t have to do similar things often. But to scan my YubiKey via NFC I often had to kill the YK app once before it works. Never had that with my Pixel. Now I just use the USB option to get OTP keys to save myself the frustration.

But sometimes I still need it on my phone, the problem is still present after more than a year. Never improved with updates and support doesn’t recognize the issue. Best you can do is #contactsupport. If enough people report it, they may fix it.

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I do experience the same issue. When I was on FairphoneOS everything works fine but since I am on official LineageOS I have to restart NFC in the Quicksettings to react to inputs. Very annoying.

After updating on February 5th it works fine.

Not working fine.

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I’ve noticed this issue yesterday when I wanted to login to an app by using Keepass2Android to fetch the password. I was unable to scan the YubiKey with NFC to unlock my Keepass2Android password database. This happened to me several times already but I think since the Android 12 update it got worse. Also, I’ve never managed to get the YubiKey to work through USB-C on my FP4, only ever worked with NFC when the NFC functionality was willing to cooperate.

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