New Modular Fairphone Earphones not working on my FP2

I have had a 45 minute phone call using the Fairphone modular earphones without any problems on my FP1 just this sunday and am listening to music :white_check_mark: using them on an FP2 (original 2MP top module) right now. On the FP2, volume control :white_check_mark: as well as pausing :white_check_mark: works on the default Music app (under the latest /e/ version).

Further testing

Fairphone Open OS 19.08.1.
Reduced functionality. Plugging in sometimes gets recognized, sometimes not. When the connection is there, both audio playback :white_check_mark: works and the microphone :white_check_mark: picks up my voice (in Sound Recorder), but remote control :x: input is without any effect (neither pause/skip nor volume) in the default Music app although the notification bar shows a headset symbol.
Maybe Android 7 vs. Android 9 makes a difference here.

Sailfish OS (Android 6?)
Very limited testing possible for me only (no music app pre-installed, resorted to just testing optional system sounds). Audio playback :white_check_mark: works, volume control :white_check_mark: works, pause :x: does not work.

Ubuntu 16.04
Same result as Sailfish OS: Audio playback :white_check_mark: works, volume control :white_check_mark: works, pause :x: does not work. Hit and miss when it comes to plug recognition.

LineageOS 17.1
Audio playback :white_check_mark: works, volume control :white_check_mark: works, pause :white_check_mark: sometimes worked … in a very special way (vague theory: once you have paused a track, the same button will only work again to resume play after you’ve waited like 10 seconds – otherwise it won’t respond at all). Functionality of the remote control is generally hard to predict, it will sometimes even skip forward or back a track when using the volume buttons. Microphone :white_check_mark: works. Hit and miss when it comes to plug recognition.

Microphone tests all done with both the primary and the secondary microphone simultaneously pressed shut with my thumb/finger – to make sure it's the headset phone that picks up my voice, not the FP2's built-in ones.