New launcher is... optimizable (Feedback)

That’s a fair point. The downside is it does not show the total / remaining time, but does solve the bulkiness problem.

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Me too, I have the same problem, 3 tries out of 4 I end by dragging the widgets instead of being able to open the swipe launcher, very frustrating… :frowning:

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I installed PeaceOfMind+, a fork of the original application which comes also with a DashClock extension, and with a configurable timeout extended to 12 hours, it is very useful and I hope these modifications will be merged to the official app.


Just to let you (the people at fairphone) know:

Installed the update - OK, had to do this trice before it all worked - and thought: Oh, that’s different.

But: Every question I had (e.g. how to get more panels on the launcher) was already answered here at the forum.

Yes, it is different.
Different is not bad.
And “thumbs up” for the forum staff!

Thank you,
I like it.

PS: Maybe it would be nice to get the installation a bit easier, for the technically challenged.


Here is my Feedback:


  • I cannot add Bookmarks to the home screen from Firefox
  • All preferences in the launcher are lost


  • I really like the reworked updater! Looks a lot easier to use now :smile:
  • I also like the new icon size! Most icons look better and all in all it is more colorful! :thumbsup:
  • I like the new way of adding widgets. I never liked Widgets and Apps in one launcher, the new way is a lot easier to understand.

Thanks for taking the feedback so serious. For me the upgrade went flawless!


recommend using the Apex Launcher if you’d like ultra-customisability!

It seems that this most times happens right after exiting an app through the home button. Also, although I end up moving a widget, I can feel the vibration of Edge Swipe, although I cannot see the quick access icons. Can you reproduce this?

@keesj It would be great to have a revised version of the FP launcher uploaded as soon as possible (before the beta test of the revised 1.8 update).

Why is @howard_at_the_office’s post flagged and hidden?

I’ve unhidden the post

@tin - yes, I agree

I marked the post as “off-topic” because I think it is the following : [quote]This post is not relevant to the current discussion as defined by the title and first post, and should probably be moved elsewhere.[/quote] (description of “flag as off-topic”).

I think @howard_at_the_office’s post is not only off-topic because it is not relevant (as in “Hey there is a problem with the current launcher, just move to another one”), but it (IMO) is not helpful at all. Why is the Apex Launcher better? What can you do with it? I do not get much information from this post.

i don’t agree. It is helpful in this manner that I know that there is this launcher which is working perfectly on FP and is then a good workaround until the launcher of FP is fixed. There are others - but this user tells me that this one works.

Wouldn’t any launcher be a workaround?

This very discussion is going off-topic and I would like to leave it as it is now and not argue anymore. I understand that you, @tin, and others do not agree on my point of view and so it is good that the controversial post is visible again!

Note to myself: Write a small edit note, when marking a post as off-topic.


Sorry to post another off-topic post, but I’d like to add that in my experience (both as a user and moderator on other forums), the best moderators are those who moderate with a large dose of constraint. Only meddle in the posting business of people when it absolutely, unambiguously breaks the forum rules (the presence of the post works disruptive). If you undemocratically start hiding/removing/altering posts left and right just because you think they aren’t useful then you end up with a forum people don’t like posting in anymore because the mods are seen as power-abusive dictators. Not tugging the reins too tightly also allows the forum to evolve into something that is shaped by the community itself rather than whatever is at the whims of the moderators and that brings more happiness to your users :slight_smile:


Yeah, I think we can all be guilty of that one. Unfortunately there is no “moderators school”, so we’re all learning as we go along :smile:


I haven’t upgraded yet so I have no experience with the new launcher, but still I have some ideas about what I’d like to see in the launcher in the future.
Up until a few days ago - when I decided to uninstall all apps that aren’t free and available on f-droid - I used Buzz Launcher as my default, so many of my ideas are features this launcher has.

  • how about the option to customize the homescreen yourself. like number of rows and columns, number of home screens (buzz launcher has up to 12x12 columns/rows and 9 homescreens. i personally wouldn’t mind even more columns and rows, so to have even smaller icons on the screen), option to hide the status bar (or whatever that black bar is called on top of the screen)

  • i’d also like to be able to manually change the symbols of apps, folders and shortcurts on my homescreen. Obviously for browser-shortcuts that whould be great, because for some websites the browser/firefox doesn’t provide a good/any symbol. But i’d mainly use it to create hidden (fully transparent icon) folders. For example on my buzz launcher homescreen i had a row on the bottom with 5 apps (k-9 mail, osm, f-droid, firefox, open camera) and on the left side to each of them i had an invisible folder with other apps of the same category (social, navigation, app management, online research, multimedia)

  • another cool feature that buzz launcher has is the ability for users to share their created homescreens with the community.

  • one more thing i’d like to be able to do is hide widgets from the widget drawer. some apps put pages worth of widgets in different sizes in the widget drawer, although one widget would be enough, because it’s resizeable anyway. also i sometimes experience the ‘ghost button push’ problem that has allready been reported on this forum multiple times and the least thing i want this “ghost” to do is put the “install google apps” widget on the homescreen and use it…

This would be so great. It’s really annoying to have all these widgets!

I just tried nova launcher and the experience was awful! There are just too many options and possibilities. I like the FP launcher for its simplicity!

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Simplicity and Features don’t have to rule eachother out. It could be a simple launcher but in settings you can change it if you want to.

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A very simple launcher is on F-Droid: I used it for a while and had no issues.

Oh, Nova is great :slight_smile: