Hello! I just got my new Fairphone 2 delivered yesterday and I’m pretty happy!
I am wondering, however, if the phone comes with a plastic screen cover that should be removed. I noticed there was one on the camera (well, I didn’t, my partner did) and before that I was really disappointed by the blue-ish tone of the pictures. Removing the blue plastic made things much better. That wasn’t documented in user guide.
Is there such a thing on the screen as well? The current setup seems really smudgy and already looks scratched: I sure hope there’s a plastic screen cover there. In fact, when I look at the pictures on the homepage and the phone, my phone does have a white triangle tab on the upper left that seems to be indicating a plastic should be peeled of, but I can’t get a hold of it.
I’ve seen teardowns and tutorials on how to replace everything and anything on that phone, yet it doesn’t say if that thing should be removed or not. What do you think? (How) do I remove this thing?
you can remove the screen protection by tear down from the white edge from upper left. The back camera might also be protected by a blue cover in case.
I think really significant scratches aren’t reported here that often. You can see that the black rim around the front side of the phone slightly protrudes vertically off the screen which helps to protect the screen in falls on flat surfaces.