I think the paint will get thinner and thinner over time, because of abrasion.
So the original color will come up again and in my case (white) it should look used, but ok and maybe even stylish (agian buzzword “shabby chic” )
Otherwise I will repaint with more layers of each so it might last longer.
Sustainability in the sense of environmentally friendly.
as far as I’ve read so far, you have to “feel”) have hundreds of covers now
Ah ok…
Since it’s standard model color, I don’t think it’s sustainable in any aspect.
Guten Tag allerseits, kann mir jemand einen Tipp geben, wie ich mein indigo slimcase umlackieren kann? Gibt es vllt irgendwo auch ein how-to ? Oder schnappe ich mir einfach irgendeinen Sprühlack und schwupps , fertig?
Danke schonmal für alle (hoffentlich zahlreichen) Antworten.
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6 months in use - update:
So the paint is getting off faster, since tehrea are more edges where the paint is gone, but it’s still ok.
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