To make sure that no confusion with German FOS (“Fachoberschule”) can occur this could be enhanced to “FOOS-with-an-F-and-double-O”.
A post was merged into an existing topic: Fairphone Open Source roadmap discussion
Agree, we (they) should have checked that. At Nokia we once had a unit called “NN” (Nokia Networks) Generally beter know as “nomen nescio”, “I don’t know the name”. Another disastrous name was “SD” (System Development"). Also known as “social disease” Say no more. You have to check those things. In that respect the name “Frog” is a lot better. Same with “Nomad”, suggests freedom, everyone knows what it is, etc.
I like it! It makes sense… and seems classy.
In line with the previous abbreviations FPOS and FPOSOS you could also use FPoOS or FPopenOS / FP open OS.
I quite don’t get it… FairPhone team opened a thread because FPOS could mean both:
- FairPhone Operating System
- FairPhone Open Source
So users went for FPOSOS to explicitly speak about FairPhone Open Source Operating System.
After weeks of thinking about it, FairPhone team decided that ambiguity is better ?
I consider safer to stick with FPOSOS not to confuse anyone.
Why not?
I mean, that is the point that really distinguishes FPOSOS from FPOS, isn’t it? (there may be others, but minor ones.
Also, not-so-well-informed users will quickly find out from simply the name that there may be no PlayStore on their phone after installing FPOSOS. FOOS won’t make that clear.
Final, but not dispensable point, FROGS sounds a lot more fun than FOOS.
(and btw. have you checked the meaning of the english word “foo”? foo - Wiktionary, the free dictionary )
How do you figure Fairphone Open OS is ambiguous? You can’t abbreviate Fairphone Open OS as FP OS, but rather as FPOOS, FPOO or FOO, but I actually think FP Open OS is short enough and doesn’t need an abbreviation.