My FP3: 5 years and counting

It’s now :five: years ago that Fairphone released the FP3 and the first buyers got ahold of their devices in September 2019.

So time to ask who has been holding on to her or his FP3 for a full five years so far. This is the place to get your badge from the Fairphone Community Forum @moderators. :slight_smile:

Note the FP3+ was released a year later, but feel free to look up the :point_right: longevity :point_left: topic that fits your individual FP3 or FP3+ lifetime (my own has only turned 3.5 this month …). And everyone using an FP3 or FP3+ may also cast a vote here :arrow_right: How satisfied or unsatisfied are you with your FP3 or FP3+?


Hi there,
My FP3 will turn 5y in one month… but already posting as I may forget posting next month.


Anyone not quite yet at the full 5 years can set a bookmark to this topic or any reply in this topic and set a timed reminder for “your day”. Click at the three dots at your (or anyone’s) reply to see the bookmarking icon.
Bildschirmfoto 2024-09-26 um 22.35.53


My FP3 turned 5 years old this week. I am very happy that it is still my daily companion, and I would like to have the badge too :blush:.


I got my Fairphone 3 5 years ago.
It’s still my daily driver, running /e/OS currently.


5 years and counting, just installed latest security patch. (Android)
Lawnchair, and a separate camera app have been essential.


Five years ago to the day my FP3 was sent to me by Fairphone. I think that counts as my phone’s birthday.


Also 5 years now. Original battery (AccuBattery says 81%) is still fine, but I am already using my third screen… Still Android, but the phone has become sluggish (although I had done a factory reset recently(, especially since my employer requires me to use apps like Microsoft Defender, Company Portal and other software.


Could not find the exact delivery date anymore.
But I have taken the first photo with my FP3 on 6th November 2019.
Guess that qualifies as passing the 5 year mark.


Congratulations to all those who claimed the badge so far (and those who still will). On a different note, we are also around the time that the first FP4s are turning :three: three. Perhaps someone wants to set up a same-themed topic for that (I cannot be bothered to do so myself right now :wink: ). Again, feel free to check the other longevity topics to get inspired.


I received my FP3 in October '19 so I started my 6th year now :slight_smile:


I am using my FP3 for 5 years :smile:


5 years ago today (2019.11.20) I received my FP3. It’s my only phone, so it’s in use every day.

I’m still using the original battery. AccuBattery shows a Battery health of 86% and shows the Estimated capacity down to 2578.5mAh from the 3000mAh Design capacity, which seems OK to me. I charge it back up to 80% once it has dropped to 30%, which takes about 40 minutes.
I’m still using the original (free) bumper and screen protector too.
I’ll switch to Ubuntu Touch or another os when the Android updates stop, at which point I’ll de-Google it too.


After some search, I found the invoice of my FP3, which I received on 2019.11.05.
So, I luckily can tell you that I have it for full five years now, without any issues!

Thanks to the Fairphone team for keeping us up to date and caring about our troubles & questions!!!


Today my FP3 is celebrating it’s fifth birthday.


:wrench: Only just found this thread - my FP3 turned 5 last September, too. Along the way, I upgraded it to FP3+ (camera) and changed the USB module after a water incident. Original back cover (the white letter “O” is hanging on for dear life), though it has a chip or two, but the replacement is too expensive. The original bumper has gotten quite round on the back edges where I hold it, and it has some slack, but still protects nicely.

:loud_sound: A new speaker module is waiting on my desk, the covering mesh of the old one had become dirty beyond cleaning (and consequently played very weakly), so I removed the mesh, which made the speaker surprisingly loud. However, it should sound better with the mesh and it also serves protection.

:battery: Also, a new battery is waiting here. The original one still gets me through the day with battery saver. But in order to improve speed which has deteriorated over time, I plan to turn off batt.saver with the new battery, even if that shortens its lifespan, but 4 more years is anyway the most I expect to keep my FP3. I’ve now asked FP support whether they recommend “calibrating” the new battery as described by Ifixit, or not. I had to laugh at the FP support page on charging, where they say the battery’s lifespan is “a year or two” - wtf…??

:man_running: I also turned off UI animations (another speed boost!), and will extend SD memory so I can free some internal memory, and I’ll declutter the >100 open tabs in the browser, hoping to gain yet a bit more speed, so that the FP3 remains usable over the next years.

:arrows_counterclockwise: I have to confess that I am notoriously dodging updates, I’m still running Android 11. At first, this came through the scary reports of bugs and problems caused by the updates. And later, I read that updates would cost me even more responsiveness / speed than I had already lost (by general clutter, but also by apps becoming fatter with every update). Until now, no problem with the old Android. I know, we love FP for its many years of Android updates, but what good are they if they cause trouble or make the phone sluggish?

:hammer: My wife will soon need a new phone, but I’m hesitant about FP5: One thing, she is really used to Qi charging, and another, she needs a really rugged case that is also protecting the display side when being slapped on the desk face-down. We’ll have to see…

:champagne: Cheers to all fellow FP3 owners :champagne:

:motor_scooter: (btw, my electric scooter is turning 6 now with >15.000 km, another piece of sustainability, even though the manufacturer Unu has gone bankrupt in the meantime - but I’m still driving happily, as long as it’s not :cold_face: or :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain: - now enough silly :crazy_face: for today)


Apart from personal security concerns you might assess as you like, they provide necessary security updates hopefully helping to keep your phone from getting weaponised against other people or against organisations via bot nets.

Other reports are available.
A major OS version upgrade is always a chance to start from scratch and avoid this feared constant degradation.
My expectation would be that phones upgraded in-place would be more probable to show detrimental effects, while a clean install from scratch should behave fine regarding speed and responsiveness.

A real Android upgrade concern was Android’s decreased security rating of the built-in fingerprint reader, limiting its usefulness in security-aware Apps, at least with Fairphone OS (popular Custom ROMs didn’t have to follow suit due to not being Google certified, and they ignored this, serving as a way to get around this issue).


Are you referring to a fastboot Flashing of Fairphone OS, as per Install Fairphone OS manually – Support ?
Since this means to configure everything from scratch, like on a new phone, I’m not sure I currently have the time for that, to be honest - convince me otherwise :slight_smile:

If you cannot warm up to the idea right away, you might want to gradually move everything you can from your internal storage to a microSDXC card in your phone (if prompted to format it, do not format the card as :no_entry: “phone storage”). The more you have shifted to the card, the smaller the “everything from scratch” work becomes. (I actually think there are more good reasons to do this, not just to lower the effort threshold for a clean install, but I’ll leave it at that for now.)


I got my FP3 (it’s now 3+) on 27 Aug 2019 and it’s still my daily driver. Would be very nice to get a badge :star_struck: