My 1st experience with /e/OS

Finally I’ve yesterday installed the lastest /e/OS version (community sessions) on my FP5. Now I feel much better, because my FP5 is now free of Google Apps :slight_smile:

The /e/OS is running fine, some bugs are still present, like display dimming (mostly dimmed to max), integrated DAVx app is not working and WiFi Calling for congstar (T-Mobile Germany) is also not working. That’s all fine for me because I run a “test” version of /e/OS to find some bug, which I also achieved :slight_smile:

I’m in contact with /e/OS developers to deliver them some input, therefore the bugs can be fixed.

With the FPOS, I always switched on flight mode before sleeping so that the battery is not used as much.

3 days ago, the FP5 consumed about 20% of the battery despite the display being off and the flight mode, which is very unusual.

With the /e/OS, my FP5 consumed just 1% overnight, which is very very good!

However, I am very positively surprised by the battery runtime when the display is turned off and flight mode is activated.

Anyone else here who also has the /e/OS running on their FP5?


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With or without AoD? Same for e/OS?

As long as you’re aware …


Always on Display was for both OS disabled

No, sorry. It is not

Heres the truth, and believe me, it is the truth…

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yes you’re right, corrected it from Google Services to Google Apps.

Every app talking to microG does so using the proprietary Google Play Services library.

I also guarantee you have proprietary Google blobs such as Google Widevine DRM and Google EUICC, as the FP4 did.
I’d love to point you to the code that includes those, but /e/OS hasn’t even published source code for FP5, which is actually a potential GPL violation as I don’t even see the kernel repo.

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