MMS wont download

Hi, my Fairphone won’t download mms from any sendes, nor when I send to myself. Changed from sim to e-sim to fix it, but it didn’t work. Any suggestions what to do?

In which country do you live, your provider is? Did you check the APN settings?


@Lidwien thanks for your reply. Maybe the APN is the issue. It looks advanced, I am afraid to mess it all up if start changing any settings in the APN. How can I identify which settings are correct? It doesn’t seem that the same settings apply for all phone companies.

You should check your provider’s website. Typically there’s a different APN for MMS


@Lidwien @Dryhte
It was the APN! I got the settings from my phone company and set up a new APN.
Thanks so much for your instant help, both of you. You just proved the worth of the Fairphone community to a brand new Fairphone user. Love it!


Dear all, I have the same problem, MMS wont download.
Where do I find the APN settings in the Fairphone 5?

Settings > Network & Internet > Internet > hit the ‘wheel’ next to your sim card > (scroll down to) Access Point Names. There should be two entries there, one for internet and one for MMS. Check the MMS one with your provider’s settings (look them up online)


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