I just have searched for vibrationmotors for the other thread.
There are motors, that give a speed of like 8,000 - 16,000 rpm, while others give 12,000 +/- 3,000 rpm.
The later one seems to imply a fixed rotational speed with a relatively high variance of +/- 25%.
I would assume, that the first one can be controlled by an app or the OS, while the second will not offer that option. Maybe FP2 has installed one of the fixed rpm kind?
@Douwe, do you have any information on this topic or if not, can you get it?
As I already wrote above, it just seems, that the vibration motor for the FP2 has a fixed intensity and not an adjustable “rpm”.
The way I understand it, it’s like a lamp. Some can be used with a dimmer to reduce the light, while others can’t.
Unfortunately, there was no information by Fairphone on this topic.