Microsoft "goes Open Source" (= acquired GitHub)

OMG, that´s nasty, how could you…:wink:

Although the OS war has calmed down in the years behind many of us can clearly recall how respectfull and tollerant M$ began it´s business rise.

They don´t pay that hunk of money just for a good publicity. I think M$ and open-source is an oxymoron.

Giving own software away for free (Windows 10 was available for free to many users holding an active license) has nothing to do with open-source. It´s the peek behind the scenes that makes the difference. Anyone could fully look into the source of the linux kernel, hardly anyone could do so with the M$ kernel.

Also I don´t think M$ could do open-source anyway. Skype was (on windows it still is beside teamspeak) a first well working live call / video chat program.
It was also available on linux. What have they done in the past few linux updates - broke the video call function. Now discord seems to take its place.

Yes, for sure! M$ hasn´t done much in the past to get open-source going, it rather set up obstacles to keep their market position. But times has changed and open-source programmers are many and furthermore often cross-plattform.