Microfone does not work after update android 9


after the update to Fairphone OS 21.03.0-rel.2 I cannnot use my microfone for voice messages or videos. Calling someone works. The microfone CheckUp not. Do you have any ideas, what is wrong?



nach dem Update auf Fairphone OS 21.03.0-rel.2 kann ich keine Sprachnachrichten oder Videos mehr aufnehmen. Telefonieren geht. Der Mikrofon-CheckUp nicht. Hat jemand eine Idee?


Also wenn du den Check up fürs Primary Micro machst, hörst du dich nicht selbst aber wenn du normal telefonierst hört dich dein Gegenüber? Hast du sowohl.als.auch mehrfach getestet? Mal das Bottom Modul aus und wieder eingebaut bzw geprüft das die Schrauben nicht locker sitzen? Habs gerade mal mit Soundrekorder, Check up und Signal getestet und funktioniert bei mir. Kann auch blöder Zufall sein und nichts mit dem.Update zu tun haben, leider ist das Bottom Modul ja für sein Versagen bekannt…

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Ok, I solved the Problem:
My Antivirus (Avira) blocked the rights to use the microfone.

Ich habe das Problem gelöst:
Mein Antivirus (Avira) hat die Rechte zur Mikrofonnutzung geblockt.


I have the same problem, the microphone stopped working when I upgraded to Android 9. I don’t have the Avira antivirus software, nor any other unless there is one by default. Any other ideas on what could be causing this?

Can you specify if it does not work at all or just for specific apps? What happens when you perform the check up for the primary microphone?

I have just read on another forum that upgrading the OS can cause enough excessive heat to damage the microphone. Seems odd, but I don’t know enough to judge. Perhaps that’s what happened.
I also discovered that I can use an external microphone/earphone and this allows me to use my phone for calls. Big hassle but that might be the only way to get more than 3 years use from this phone.
It is very disappointing as I don’t know anyone who has had such a short lifespan from their phones of any other make.


It was in the topic on End of Sales FP2 bottom module

To clarify: Any heat issues of the FP2 discussed in the thread which you have mentioned are related to the A9 update. The microphone should not suffer from weak heat dissipation of the SoC or the camera which are located within a different area of the phone…

I thought it might be related because my microphone stopped working when I upgraded to Android 9

I have the same problem on only one of my FP2 after upgrade on Android 9 - without using an antivirus-program on the phone. The test of 1. microphone is negative, eaven after changing 2 bottom moduls. In opposite, the 2. micro an headset are working correctly after activation of bluetooth or hands-free-system. Some experiences, how to solve this very serious incident?

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