Many hardware issues on two Fairphones. Support doesn't react


in the moment I am quite unhappy with the two Fairphones I bought for my wife and me.

  • On one phone the notification LED still does not work after several software updates
  • On both phones the proximity sensor is unreliable. Works for a few days after cleaning, then stops working again.
  • On one phone the case shows cracks on the corners for the second time. Case was replaced once
  • On one phone the touchscreen has an area where it doesn’t react

The touchscreen problem renders my phone nearly unusable… Can’t type if some letters don’t react.

I contacted support two months ago for the first time about the notification LED. Since then the problems accumulated. I did not get any response until now… Did anyone have any luck getting responses from the support lately?



Hello you have to call them and post your ticketnumber in the thread “Support request not answered yet” This will speed up the process and helped in my case. All the best for you

Hey Lars, thanks. I didnt’t find that thread while browsing the forums… Hope they find my requests now.

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