Ls : permission denied with termed terminal


To get the Linux terminal whith Python3 and vi I have installed termed from F-droid

Step to reproduce

  1. Get terminator
  2. Insert a Micro sd card in the phone
  3. Go to /storage/sdcardname directory whith termux
    Type ls
    Result : I get a “ls permutations denied” message
    I believed Fairephone was sold rooted
    Question :is it an Android security?
    Which OS with a terminal Linux and python3, vi and micro sd card that I can read is compatible with fairephone 2 ?

Thanks for your support

Best regards


Topic title: La permission denied

What will it be? My bet is on permission.
Can you upload a screenshot (hold Power + Volume down simultaneously)?

Fairphone Open OS is prepared for root access, but you have to activate it.
Have you activated Developer options yet? (Settings - About phone - continuously tap on Build number until it says you are developer now)

If so, what is your setting in Settings - Developer options - Root access?

P.S.: Please consider proof-reading your posts.
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Here is my screenshot

Best regards



Sorry I have not found the developer -> Root option in settings

Could you help me please to fix this issue

Thanks for your support

Best regards


P.S.: Please strongly consider proof-reading your posts. Are you running a study on how many typos still let us glork the molsch of your posts from the context :wink: ?



Sorry My mobile phone corrected automatically in french and not in english

please excuse me

Best regards


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Another two things
First: you’re not automatically root, you have to become root with the su command
Second, SELinux is active. There are things that aren’t allowed even to root.

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