Looking for someone to help further troubleshoot my FP3 on a hardware level

after a 30 cm fall my FP3 is not turning on anymore.
I bought an used FP3+ to test all the components, the FP3±Mainboard turns on without a problem with the old components, so i suspect my pmi632 or pm8953 finally bit the dust.

Anyone here near Gießen/Frankfurt who can help me out? I’m bad at soldering and have never soldered SMD-Parts…

Kind Regards



Hi Martin,
the market prices for used FP3(+) are that low, that a repair isn’t economic.
The only reason for such a cost intensive repair would be a data recovery.

Why cost intensive?

Soldering a chip or even replacing it isnt that cost intensive.

@Martin_rrr check repair cafes, some info about the how-to can maybe be found here

And for data recovery only this might also be an option

Compared to a used FP3, that costs less than 50.- € in nowadays.

Other options are

  • ultrasonic cleaning
  • reflow on stove or - as mentioned above - in the oven

Where can i find a used fairphone 3 for 50€ on Kleinanzeigen (classifieds) here they are more than 150€.
I already bought one for testing.

Thank you both for your reply, yes i just want my data recovered, my backup failed for like a month and i didn’t catch it in time :frowning_face:

Has anyone of you ever put a mainboard in the oven? Should i be worried about accidental data loss or is the heat no problem?

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A working FP3 def does not cost less then 50€.

@Martin_rrr did you read the topic I linked? Many people savwd thwie data with this method, still some things are to be reminded, all memtioned in the other topic, like removing the plastic frame, Antenna, putting it the rigjt direction etc… Best is read there and probably ask questions there in case of further doubts.

I bought 2 in the last 6 mounth on kleinanzeigen.de

The broken devices you could not revive? Either way thats not the standard price even FP2 are still sold for this and FP3 are very often much more expensive

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