my fp3 motherboard is down, i am looking for a working one to change it.
I live in France.
Thanks for all.
Hi Jules,
if you are completely sure that the motherboard is down and its not just a bad connection to the screen or anything like that you can try to fix it by heating it:
This thread for instance suggests to heat up the mainboard (only mainboard without the metal cover on it or the frame) at 200°C for 10-15 min (there are multiple threads about heating up the FP3 mainboard on this forum). This is obviously at your own risk but can work.
If you are not interested to try that, I would like to purchase the broken mainboard if possible. In that case just give me a direct message.
All the best,
Hi Clemens
Thank you for the tip. I did it twice And it works (!!!) and allows me to save data.
I realized that the phone broke down when i put it in the back pocket of my jeans. It may not tolerate bending stress ? Have you noticed it?
Hi there,
what do you mean with braking down when you put it in your pocket? Does it just turn off or does it “die” again. I personally am not familiar with behaviour like that but I would also guess it could be induced by bending stress. Maybe try to change how fast you tighten the screws. Having them a bit more lose or more tight could possibly help but that is quite a wild guess from my side.
Good luck and kind regards,
Hi Clemens,
unfortunately it dies again… i imagine that bending stress could unhook (unweld? or unglue ?) some components ?
So, i’m still searching a fp3 motherboard
looking on shop.fairphone.com, no motherborard could be found. So i am just asking mysfelf : is a motherboard a spare part like an other? Why is it so difficult to find ?
The motherboard has never been available in the Fairphone Shop, only ever through a Support case and sending in the whole phone to Fairphone’s repair partner Cordon (in France).
It’s basically the core of the phone, or in other words it is the phone itself. While I guess you will not like this, I would actually recommend you offer the surviving parts (including the rear module, see link) in this marketplace’s OFFER section and consider going for a new (or used) phone.
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