Hey @nomisye, the short answer is no. Last time we announced September. Obviously we failed to deliver on that and are very sorry about it. This time we do not want to give promises we might not be able to fulfill.
Currently we are in the process of testing our new operating system. During these tests some problems showed up that we definitely want to iron out before releasing anything to all our beloved Fairphone 1 users. Next to some smaller issues, the two major issues are that Bluetooth does not work reliably with all devices and that battery level is dropping unexpectedly.
This essentially means that we would worsen the user experience on Fairphone 1 devices. I hope all of us agree that we should first figure those out and release afterwards.
We do make continuous progress and do not want to let anyone stand in the dark. That is, why after the AMA, we will make a FAQ to be posted on the forum and will extend and update this FAQ with new information as it comes out.
Anyone who desperately wants to have KitKat running on their Fairphone 1, can join our group of testers.